UPDATE: 8/31/2012
Wig is still looking great. I washed it and the hair is still sleek and shiny!! The color has not faded yet. I am very happy with the hold up. I wear it a few times a month. No knotting problems!!!
I spend a lot of my free time thinking about sheitels. Why? Because sometimes I have to wear one on my head. (and I blog about them) When I contemplate why I wear a sheitel, and take away the religious reason for doing it, I realize I do it to have good hair.
But I digress, this is a review of a Milano Collection Wigs Ponytail Wig.
Wig Info:
Brand: Milano Collection Wigs
Style: Ponytail
Color: 10/6/8
Price: $600 but Milano runs frequent sales & coupons
Size: XL
Originally (when I was first married) I wanted a sheitel that looked exactly like my own hair. After years of searching and never finding "my hair" I gave up. Instead I decided to buy wigs that look good and to purchase hair that is fashionable and beautiful. For example, right now it seems that everyone wants perfectly straight sleek hair for everyday management, and I bought a wig with the perfect "Keratin-treated", hair that looks as if I stepped out of a salon or was genetically blessed.

Why is the wig such a pretty shade of light brown? Because the wig is made of dyed hair.
How long will it last? A year, if I'm lucky...
and this last question is the DOWNFALL of processed wigs. Because they are so beautiful when new in the salon, yet their life span can be so short. Why? Well this wig is made of processed Asian hair (possibly processed low quality European). Asian hair typically doens't grow in 10/6/8 color... so it was originally 1B, 2 or 4 and then it was dyed. Then it was straightened for uniformity. So this hair has gone through a lot. Therefore it will dry out and oxidize faster than wigs that have undergone less processing.
Ponytail wigs differ from normal wigs in a few ways. The bottom few wefts near the nape of the neck are sewn upwards since its intended to be styled in a ponytail. Secondly, they typically are made with less hair so they have a thinner appearance and look less bulky around the cap area when the hair is pulled back. Third, many companies use lower quality hair on their pony wigs because... they can - the sheitel is styled with the hair pulled back. So typically there is no need for the wig to be made of the most gorgeous hair or to have the most natural looking wave pattern in the world.
I bought this wig at the Milano Collection LA Showroom during their Pesach sale. This wig was considered a "pre-cut" so it only qualified for the $50 discount. Since I have a large head, most wigs do not fit me right, but this was a XL cap and it covers all of my hair. Pony wigs have more clips and combs than a regular sheitel. There is a comb near the forehead, and one near the nape, and 2 clips near the forehead and 2 near the nape. Additionally there are two clips that can attach the wig to the top of your head, but I have not used these yet.
I have no doubt that this wig is extremely processed. When I walked into shul wearing it, one of my single friends, who has had every hair straightening treatment done under the sun, immediately started debating whether she thought my wig had been Thermal Reconditioned (Japanese Straightening) or had the Keratin Treatment (Brazillian Blowout) done while feeling and examining the wig up close. It is clearly stick straight and does not have much body to it. However, it is the kind of perfectly straight hair that everyone who does all of these straightening treatments on their hair wants. No frizz, just perfectly straight smooth hair. In fact, I almost feel guilty attending mommy/baby classes in this sheitel because it looks as if I spent hours blow-drying and flat ironing my hair, and I wonder if the moms think that I have time to do that.
I find the sheitel very comfortable because it is large enough and because it is lighter than a regular sheitel that would have thicker hair and more wefts of hair overall. I wear this sheitel in a pony and also down. I think it looks really good down, its just perfectly sleek and straight. When wearing half up you have to be careful because of the thinness it could be possible to see the wig cap if you have the top layer in a certain configuration. Although the bottom wefts are sewn up and I can feel them going outward when I touch the back of my head, but the naked eye cannot detect this. I have a friend with a Milano pony who wears her wig down all the time and its (the bottom wefts being sewn upward) never been an issue for her.
So far the wig has not been knotty at all. The wig cap has a feature that you can actually open 3 hooks to create a hole in it, which allows for someone to pass their own hair through, if they wanted to blend it into the pony, or if you want make a little more room in the cap.

I want to keep readers posted on this sheitel as time goes by. I bought it Pesach 2012 so its about a month old now, and I haven't washed it yet because I wear it about 2x a week. I think that the less I wash it, the longer it will last. When I do wash it, I'm going to be extremely gentle and use high-quality salon shampoo intended for treated hair, ideally sulfate free.
The reason I went with a 10/6/8 is because I had been trying on all sorts of wigs at Milano Collection and realized that this color looked really good on me. The friend who was with me, liked this one the best and encouraged me to take the risk. I have to admit I love the way it looks, but its always strange to wear a color that is different from the hair growing on my head. However, we will see what color this ends up after it oxidizes and we will see how the hair holds up after 525,600 minutes.... how do we measure a year?...
... in sheitel wear & tear
So as of a month old I rate it the following:
Skin Top : B+
Cap construction: B+
Hair Quality: B-
Comfort: A
Durability: To Be Determined
Value: A- (when on sale)
On a side note, since I only needed a bang trim, I only had to pay $25-35 for the cut at the Milano Showroom in LA, which was a big plus for me. I plan on doing follow up reviews on this wig as it ages.