I interviewed my friend about her custom long blond Shevy wig. Shevy wigs became the popular kallah wig a few years ago and are known for being very expensive. I remember so many people saying "Did you see her Shevy? Its amazing!"
The few kallahs I have knew who had long customs paid around $4000. Some women love their Shevys and some women hate their Shevys. Common complaints are that the hair knots in the back and also that the weight of the wig is uncomfortable (all 26 inch wigs are going to be heavy though so I wouldn't blame Shevy for this...) A lot of blonds say Shevy is able to achieve a natural looking color blend and those hard-to-find ashy shades.
How long did it take to be ready?
It was ready in about 3-4 months.
How much was the custom sheitel?
The wig was $3800.
How does the cap fit? Is it comfortable?
The cap fits well when I have a tiny ponytail, but it gets tight very quickly as my hair grows. Its a comfortable cap though, no itchiness. I get headaches occasionally by the end of the day, probably from the tightness.
In my opinion there is no excuse for a custom sheitel not to have a cap that fits properly. They should have allowed extra room anticipating that she may have hair tucked into the cap as well.
Can you describe the hair quality?
The hair knots in the back on the bottom layer like any other long sheitel, brushes out very easily though.
Like I said above, knotting hair on the bottom layer is the most common complaint of Shevy wigs. This is not the case with ALL wigs, if the textures and cuticles are put in properly a sheitel would have minimal knotting if cared for properly (i.e. proper brushing before and after wearing). For $3800 I would expect a sheitel that doesn't knot!
How do you feel about the Skin Top?
I think the skin top is great, I can do any side part i'd like. The area of skin top is huge.
Did they advertise the hair as virgin hair? Are the multiple shades of blond a result of good color mixing or highlighting?
I'm pretty sure they highlight it. When i was at the showroom to see it the first time, it was too dark for me, I wanted it lighter, they said "we'll add some more lighter blonde" Interpret that how you want..
Did you have any problems with the sheitel?
I sent it back because the chunks of hair that hung in front were looking very dull, dead, and coarse, i sent it back and they fixed it and it looks a lot better
I'm really glad that they fixed it but a little concerned that it wasn't perfect in the first place for $3800....
So when you received your custom you were 100% satisfied?
The wig was basically everything I was looking for and wanted. When it first came in, I found it extremely itchy right above my ears and at the back of my neck. This was from the ends of the hairs that were sewn into the cap, these ends were sticking out and poking me. Shevy claimed that no one ever complained about this, and that maybe my skin was very sensitive. Perhaps it is, but either way i was unhappy and couldn't wear it. They fixed it with a weird solution. On the bottom by my neck, they sewed in a black strip of fabric, which i am afraid will be seen if i do an updo, Shevy says it wont be seen, i haven't had an updo yet, but when i do..ill keep you posted on that. And for the ears, they cut back the ear pieces. This solved the problem, but now a little more of my sideburns show.
I am really pleased to hear that they found a solution for you!
How would you rate their Customer Service?
Customer service was a B+. They did whatever I wanted, and fixed whatever I said needed to be fixed, and never charged me, but they weren't always the nicest about it.
It sounds like that they do not disappear after the purchase if there are problems, which cannot be said for every wig company. Probably they build into their pricing model the fact that customers may need alterations during the life of the wig. Good customer service can be worth the premium.
Would you order from them again in the future?
I'm not sure if i would order from them again. I think i would do MUCH more research on blondes and where to get quality blonde hair. I really want shiny sleek hair, and it still has never looked that way to me. I also wish they didnt have to sew in the black fabric and cut out some part of the ear pieces. I would definitely go try on sheitels made by other companies, now that I know how it should feel. When i first got married all sheitels felt terrible too me, so i guess when I tried on my shevy it just felt like all the rest. Now i think i would know much better how to compare and contrast.
I hope we all learn from our wig purchases and from this blog! I am glad that overall the wig seems to be working for you. It is absolutely stunning and looks very natural.
Weight: A+
Comfort: A+ at the beginning of the day, C at the end of the day
Hair Quality: B+
Skin Top: A+
Durability: A+
Appearance: A
Cap Construction: A+
as a blonde, i have also always thought shevys have done the best job -- maybe because shevy herself is blonde!?
I recently saw some nice looking Tori blondes, they even seem to do ashy well. if you could find someone with a blonde tori i'd love to hear what they have to say!
Very informative post!
Does the B+ hair quality reflect the current quality of the hair, or is it because some hair in front needed to be replaced in order to match the purchaser's specifications?
-- F
I think she was referring to the fact that it does appear as sleek and shiny as she desires. However, she admitted that she has yet to feel a sheitel that satisfies her in that category. She is looking for A+ in her opinion.
Did Shevy allow her to feel the hair prior to sewing it into her cap? (I do not know whether or not this is standard when building a custom sheitel, I'm just curious.)
-- F
Holy moly that is a gorgeous wig! I so wish I could get big beautiful curls like that myself, but despite having watched your video, I have two left hands when it comes to a curling iron.
I got 3 gorgeous sheitels from Esther Aron. I am very happy with them. She specializes in blondes and ashy blondes and backs her wigs 100%. Her customer service is top notch. Always makes sure the costumer is happy before they leave and doesn't give you any problems if you bring it back to be fixed. And the quality-unreal! Sleek and feels like my own hair. I feel Shevy has some great sheitels and some lemons. For so much money, her wigs should always look good not 50% of the time.
I have several wigs from Esther Aaron as well. She 100% backs up her wigs and will do anything to make the customer satisfied. She has several lines to meet every budget and her high end russian hair is top of the market. Shevy's are overpriced and their service is horrible. In my opinion, its over-rated!
hello , I am lloking for a blonde sheital and have been all around. How can I get in touch with this Esther Aaron???
thanks !!!
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